
Posts Tagged ‘cydia’

Using Magic Mouse with iPad [Jailbreak]

March 25, 2011 Leave a comment

We know that the iPad can use a Bluetooth keyboard but with the application available on cydia BTstack Mouse only for iPad jailbroken, you can use a Bluetooth mouse and then use your Tablet as a computer.

And here’s a short video demonstration BTstack Mouse.

The Apple iPad 2 already jailbroken by @Comex!

March 23, 2011 Leave a comment

The famous hacker Comex appears to have jailbroken the iPad 2 under IOS 4.3 . According to another hacker known on the scene of the jailbreak, Comex has achieved this feat. By cons, Comex has not confirmed this information .

The hacker Chpwn posted a video of an iPad 2 jailbroken with the new version of Cydia 1.1!

So the final version of the IOS 4.3 jailbreak appears to be approaching fast.